
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Finally! The 5 Keys...

2 inches gone in 2 days!
Yay! Thank you Markus Rothkranz for giving me the 1st Key and the Final Key to the treasure vault of fat burning and raw food for optimal health.

Already I was aware the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Keys, so now I have what I need to stay committed to this process and succeed because my body is now willing to cooperate by doing what it does naturally because I have move myself out of the way.

1st Key: A raw food diet that is at least 50% dark leafy greens, especially the bitter ones like arugula and dandelion greens. Many raw foodies eat too many raw desserts, dry dehydrated foods, starchy veggies and fruit juices.

Markus turned me on to this also. I had wanted to go raw for awhile but something made me hesitate until I heard Markus talk about making greens a priority - bingo. Many dark leafy greens are higher in vitamin C that citrus fruit - and we need a lot of Vitamin C to stay healthy.

Too much concentrated sugar, even if its natural, feeds the wrong probiotics in our bodies and throws it out of balance, not to mention that viruses, bad bacteria, candida and fungus all love that stuff. It also dehydrates us and we are 75% water. Starchy veggies, mostly root veggies like beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. have a lot of natural sugar in them and even in their raw form need to be eaten in moderation.

2nd Key: Drink at least 1/2 oz of water for every pound of your body weight every day. That means a 160 pound body needs 80 oz of water everyday - at the very least. More is preferable, especially if you are under any kind of mental, emotional or physical stress - and most people are stressed in one way or another.

3rd Key: Practice intermittent fasting. Let your body rest from processing food for at least 16 hours a day - or more. During that rest period the body burns fat, does necessary repairs and cleans itself out - especially between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am. Do your best to be asleep by 10:00 pm on most nights and get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Currently, I am fasting for 23 hours a day and burning fat easily. I have a 24 to 32 oz green drink in the afternoon and I do not feel hungry most of the time because my body is getting the kind of nutrients it needs, plus all the enzymes in the raw food to help with the digestion process.

Heating food over 118° it kills all the enzymes that help it assimilate properly. I can still have warm food, just not over 118° which is 16° hotter than the water in a hot tub. And my rapid weight loss is not 'just water weight' because I am drinking plenty of water plus drinking liquid meals.

4th Key: Stay positive as much as possible in your thoughts, words and actions. We attract to us the vibes we put out, so listen to Abraham-Hicks videos on youtube and be inspired. It will make you laugh too, and that's just as important. Laughing, sweating and eating food as close to its natural state as possible are 3 simple things we can do every day to feel better, to be whole and healthy.

Final Key: To burn fat, go to bed on an empty stomach. Eat nothing in the 3 or 4 hours before bedtime. Eat nothing in the morning until 11:00 am or 12 noon. Do cardio in the morning to intensify what the body is already doing - burning fat, doing repairs and cleaning itself out. Doing something that makes you breath deeper and faster is key becuae oxygen stimulates the cells to burn fat, clean out and repair themselves.  So, I am huffing and puffing the fat off for good.

So far, it's working perfectly. In this case, 5th time is the charm.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Starting Over...

Only 60 more to go!
My first attempt to dissolve my extra 60 some pounds was with a low carb One Meal Per Day regime. This worked at first, then stalled.

Then I tried liquid fasting and that worked, then stalled. So, what was missing?

What was missing was raw foods combined with intermittent fasting and that was what my body had been trying to tell me by not cooperating.

Plus, I finally found clarification on how to exercise to maximize fat burning and tone muscle, or even gain muscle if so desired.

Keys To This Process:
     Drink at least a gallon of water every day.
     Eat nutrient rich foods - especially greens - the more bitter the better.
     Raw soaked nuts in moderation for extra protein and healthy fats.
     Raw fruit in moderation and no fruit juice - even fresh raw fruit juice.
     No food in the morning until at least 11:00 am, preferably not until noon.
     Cardio/aerobic in the morning on an empty stomach for optimal fat burning.
     Weight lifting an hour after eating in the afternoon for muscle toning.
     Fasting 23 hours a day - or at least 16 hours a day.
     Going to bed on an empty stomach - no food after 6:00 pm - period.

Now that I have new knowledge, I will see where this journey takes me. I'm on my way...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

One Meal A Day Takes Off 20 Years!

Being Hungry Makes You Healthy

One meal a day and you'll look 20 years younger!

by Yoshinori Nagumo, M.D.
190 pages / January, 2012 / 1400 yen (w/o tax)
A rumbling stomach is a sign that the cells in your body are at work!


In recent years, a rejuvenation gene referred to as Sirtuin has gained a lot of attention.

One condition for the switch on this life-governing gene to be activated is an empty stomach.

In other words, the gene doesn’t become active unless you’re hungry for a period of time.

In modern times, however, people eat at meal times even if they aren’t hungry.

This is believed to have harmful effects on the body because the human body isn’t designed to thrive in a constant state of satisfaction.

Based on information from various medical sources and personal experience, this revolutionary book explains that having one meal a day is the best lifestyle for human beings and suggests that people try it.

Just by switching to having one meal a day, ailing parts of your body will be restored, you will revert to your healthy weight, your skin will gradually become younger, and your body will continually benefit in many ways!

From the table of contents

– Overeating leads to disease
– Why you still add weight even when you drink water
– Sirtuin, the gene that restores cells
– Why we shiver when it’s cold
– The real reason metabolic syndrome shortens your lifespan
– Why one meal a day won’t lead to malnutrition
– An easy way to reduce the amount of the food you eat
– You shouldn’t drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach
– The best time to restore your youth
– Keeping the body too warm makes it sensitive to cold
– Follow your own heart in life
– Would you be okay if your life ended this way?

From the editor

It’s likely that people who believe that having three meals a day is common knowledge will find the notion of having only one meal a day to be preposterous, but it actually has solid medical grounds.

More and more executives are adopting this eating habit. What is appealing about this method is that there are no particular restrictions on what should be eaten in that single meal of the day.

In short, you’re free to eat whatever you would like to eat. As your health improves, you will no longer have any desire to eat unnecessary foods or foods that might harm your body.

In other words, you will automatically become healthy and lose unnecessary weight, and your skin will have its youthfulness restored. What could be more exciting than that?

After sticking with this meal plan for over 10 years, Dr. Nagumo looks like he’s in his 30s, although he’s actually 56 years old! I’ll also try to embark on a lifestyle of having only one meal a day.


Yoshinori Nagumo, M.D.

Yoshinori Nagumo was born in 1955, the fourth generation in a family of doctors. He’s the general director of the Nagumo Clinic. His father was Japan’s cosmetic surgery pioneer, Dr. Yoshikazu Nagumo. 

After graduating from Tokyo Jikei University, Yoshinori Nagumo moved on to the Department of Plastic Surgery at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, where he studied cancer therapy. 

He then became the chief physician of the first lacteal gland medical office of Jikei Medical University Hospital and eventually began his own practice, Nagumo Clinic, which focuses on breast health.

With the motto “To help women maintain the beauty, health and functionality of their breasts,” he has gone on to establish cancer surgery clinics in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka where he devotes himself to carrying out breast surgery. He is a medical doctor and is a breast specialist.

In 2012, he was appointed honorary president of the International Anti-Aging Medical Society. He is a part-time professor at Jikei Medical University and Kinki University, and a visiting lecturer at Dong-A University in Korea and Dalian Medical University in China.

He frequently speaks at seminars held by the Japanese Breast Cancer Society, the Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

He often appears as a regular commentator on popular TV programs. His main publications are How to Look 30 When You’re 50 (Kodansha plus Alpha Shinsho), Drinking Burdock Tea Will Make You 20 Years Younger (Softbank Creative), and A Rustproof Lifestyle (PHP Interface) among others.

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